The Making of Elsa – Frozen – Part Five

I’m currently babying my dog who just had her teeth cleaned – she looks so pathetic I can’t bear to leave her, so instead of being productive I’m going to write the final post this series with her on my lap.

This post will cover making the mesh top, the wig, and talk a bit about my corset and makeup. If you are curious about any other part of the costume I would suggest you check out the other four posts I have on this costume, which can all be found here!

Weirdly enough, this was one of the first things I made for this costume, and it’s the last i’m blogging about. This was honestly one of the easiest costume pieces I have ever drafted, it took ten minutes and the alterations were super easy.

I started by putting the mock up of the corset onto my dress form.

(please ignore the episode of say yes to the dress in the background, ha!)


Then I used yarn and a line of pins to mark the neckline and the arm holes.


 I draped mesh overtop of that and cut it to the right size, I had to be careful not to stretch it as I went. Which was the most difficult part, since this material really wants to stretch.


I did a real quick draft for the sleeves and made a mock up, which ended up being successful.

I turned my mock up into a paper pattern, but instead of using regular paper I used poster board. Then I drew out the design I wanted onto the poster board and covered it with wax paper.

Much like with the snowflakes on the cape, I could lay material on top of this and use the drawing as a guide.


Then I put rhinestones on top of that…



I did the same thing with the bodice




I sewed all the pieces together and it was finished!


At this point I wasn’t super happy with the corset (honestly i’m still not) so I decided to repaint it with iridescent paints. Then I slathered the thing in glitter glue…and you can’t tell at all. It still photographs very matte, which I find upsetting. If I were to wear this costume somewhere important, I would remake the corset entirely.

I embellished it with lot’s of little rhinestones and declared it done…at least for now.


Moving on from that, and onto the wig! I ended up purchasing two “lace front” wigs on ebay with plans to sew them together. But when they arrived there were two problems – I was only sent one wig, and it did not have a lace front.

So I spent several frantic hours trying to find something usable, and eventually stumbled upon a nawomi wig on amazon in the right color, and it had a lace front. It’s the most I’ve ever spent on a wig before, but I think it was worth it!

Styling this scared me since i’m not very good with wigs – I can curl them and detangle them, but I suck at everything else. I ended up decided to jump in and hope for the best, other wise I knew I would stress about it for weeks and never actually style it.

I started by separating out the bangs from the braid.


Then I sectioned off all the spiky bangs and cut them as I went. I teased the roots for volume, and used an eyebrow razor to thin out the points. I set them in place with got2be glued hairspray and used pins to hold them in place while the dried.


I braided it and it was mostly done! Later on I used a small hot roller to tighten up the front curl, and trimmed the sideburns.


Then I tried everything on together! I noticed some changes I had to make, but overall I was pretty pleased.


The last thing to do was figure out makeup. I think makeup is important regardless of who you are cosplaying since it will make you look nicer in photographs, and overall more put together. But with Elsa it’s especially important, since she is very clearly wearing makeup, and it’s very specific in shape and color

I’m not someone who wears bright colors on a regular basis, so this was slightly tricky for me. I ended up making use of a freebie from clinique, some cheap fake lashes from ebay, and eye glitter from ulta.




And that was it! Elsa is finished, and i’m looking forward to sharing the photos of the complete project. I thought I would feel disappointed or relieved or sad or something when I finished this, but i’m sort of indifferent. I enjoyed this project, but was completely ready for it to be over, and i’m looking forward to working on other things!


Thank you for joining me throughout the making of this project! I hope you will stick around for the next one.

43 thoughts on “The Making of Elsa – Frozen – Part Five

  1. China Sorrows says:

    I always like your articles; this one especially. It’s a shame about the corset, but it still looks lovely. Maybe it’ll be better in a different light?
    You make a lovely Elsa.

  2. Daisy says:

    Amazing work! My 4 yr old daughter went nuts when she saw it. Are you a self-taught seamstress? I would love to do what you do, but I can’t even see a button. Great job!!

    • Angela Clayton says:

      That’s wonderful – thanks for sharing!

      I’m mostly self taught. I was taught the basics when I was really young, but i’m self taught when it comes to pattern drafting and garment making.

  3. Loredana says:

    For someone so young,you really have an amazing talent.everything is just beautiful including you.i came across your blog by chance but i will be coming back again and again.Greetings from Malta 🙂

  4. Barbara says:

    You have an amazing talent! Your work is gorgeous! You will go far with your imagination and resourcefulness of using unique materials.

  5. Lyn says:

    I just saw this on Facebook, as one of my friends her daughters love Frozen. Your costume is absolutely beautiful! You’re an extraordinarily talented costume maker. Seeing this makes me wish I’d learned to sew my own costumes… but that’s what my mother does best 🙂

  6. Alison McLeish says:

    Greetings from Australia! I have never commented on a blog before, but am so taken with your determination and passion to “get it right” that this is my first post! Congratulations on a beautiful end to this intense project. I am sitting among glitter hairspray, a platinum wig and LOADS of aqua dance tulle trying to make an Elsa outfit for my 3 year old. Thank you for sharing this and inspiring the mums (and kids) out there. Having the patience to do those snowflakes is amazing – a wonderful effort! Next time my daughter goes to a costume party i’ll be seeking tips from you!

  7. Monica says:

    This is Amazing! Can’t wait to show my friends daughter who just got into sewing. She is a bit Elsa obsessed so she will Love this! You are extremely talented! Can’t wait to see what you make next!

  8. sparkleface says:

    Wow, this is amazing. I’m love costuming too, and I have to say, your level of patience and commitment to your final vision is inspiring! Introvert creative types will take over the world some day because they are doing amazing stuff like this. You are such a young lady, I look forward to seeing your costumes in award winning movies in the future! Just remarkable work!

  9. Lori says:

    This is incredible! Any interest in completely making my daughter’s year at her 6th birthday on 3/29? We’re on LI!

  10. Devon says:

    I wanted to say thank you for going through the trouble of creating a step-by-step of your process and troubleshooting. First, your interpretation is the best I’ve seen so far…even better than Disney Parks attempt! Second, you’ve inspired me with your creativity and saved me $ of buying drop sequins that wouldn’t give as good of an effect of your canvas pieces!

    3rd- if you have any advice on how to do this in a smaller child size (and child friendly) version I would love to hear it. My daughter is 3 and 40″ tall and I was hoping to make a mini-version for her. I was planning to use fabric glue and glitter but I’m sure the mess might have me wanting to crystalize it like yours!

    My daughter has high functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder. Next week we are walking with her in the Autism Speaks walk in our city. Since Autism Speaks signature color is pretty much “Elsa Blue” I decided that I wanted to try and make her an Elsa cape and possible some sort of top to attach it to (complicated by the fact that she broke her arm an has a full cast, eek!). “Let it go” really resonates with us because so much of having a disability is complicated by being afraid to be yourself…so Elsa’s story (and Anna’s relatable quirks) have made this story stick.

    I have been working the last month to teach myself how to cut and sew a pattern (I only had minimal experience with sewing/machines prior to this). Your 6 piece cape pattern was the perfect solution to my draping dilemma (the train wasn’t dragging like I had hoped).
    I am also astounded by your snowflake patterning and how intricately detailed your pattern is. I’ve been brainstorming with the pictures from the books and yours is so spot on!

    Again, thank you…I have favorited this and will be back often!

  11. Claire says:

    Hey there! Would you possibly have a link for the wigs you bought? I’ve been looking and to be honest, my results are coming up blank. Any links would be great, thanks.

  12. Desiree says:

    I just wanted to say how much I love your work! It is literally stunning and you are so incredibly talented! Just out of curiousity, do you think I could do the undershirt and cape on a smaller scale? (Like a mild Elsa costume if you will). Also I was wondering if you looked into rectangular sequins? Just curious, love your work!

  13. Brenda says:

    Your work is so lovely! It’s my favorite Elsa costume I have seen so far! I was wondering, do you do commissions at all? You see, I was looking to commission someone for an Elsa dress for a junior prom (winter themed, haha!) that is two years from now, and was curious about your possible prices and the time it takes to make the dress.

    Brenda S.

  14. Pâmela says:

    I fell in love for their work ia buy a costume for a presentation of in school, but after your tutorial I think I’ll do.
    Thank you for helping!
    Leveraging want wonder if you can do the fantasy of Tiana and Prince Movie (princess and sapo).
    I really need these fantasies, but in my city (Sponsored by MG) is very difficult to find. You are interested in making those fantasy for me to buy from you or sends me a tutorial for me to try do.
    Since already thank you!

  15. Kaveena Moorthy says:

    That is BEAUTIFUL just like Elsa! For the bodice, you could have just bought some circle sequins and cut them into rectangles but what you did was good too. I wish I were a seamstress JUST LIKE you.

  16. Christine says:

    C’est extraordinaire. Quel magnifique talent! Merci pour le tutoriel, je vais modestement m’en inspirer pour le costume de ma petite fille. Bravo, vous me faites rêver.

  17. lucy says:

    Perrrrrfecto.. I also made a Frozen DresS for my 8yr old daughter for her 2014 Halloween school festival,I had good comments, but I have to admitt yours is Amaiziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiingly !!!AWSOME . Definately going to try doing it. thanks for the tutorial.

  18. Arushi says:

    I am wonderstruck looking at this! I’m 13 and I’m trying to make an elsa costume like this for my gifted ed project and I am just in awe at this! I love the cape, it is sooo detailed and looks beautiful! What type of fabric did you use for the sheer blue tee? I tried using spandex sheer mesh but it was had a lot of hole in the fabric. THIS IS SO INSPIRATIONAL!!!!

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